Document 2158 DOCN M94A2158 TI Nurse education and HIV infected students. DT 9412 AU Hayter M; Rimmer A; Hodgson I; Bussingham C; Crowley J; University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):368 (abstract no. PD0077). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370417 AB OBJECTIVE: Institutions providing Nursing and Midwifery Education need to develop strategies meeting the issues of HIV infected students. A supportive and confidential approach needs to be combined with a need to protect the client from the theoretical risk of HIV infection. The ability of HIV infected students to complete their programme of training required examination. METHOD: A working group including Nursing, Midwifery, personnel, and occupational health representatives examined all allied issues to HIV infected health care workers including Educational and training implications. RESULTS: HIV/AIDS issues need to be included in literature sent to Prospective students. Education of staff and students is necessary to ensure awareness of issues. Roles and responsibilities of staff needed clarifying regarding infected health care worker guidelines. CONCLUSION: Educational programmes for students and staff are run. The literature sent to prospective students was reviewed. Areas of management responsibility were identified and publicised. The need for confidentiality and support and to reject compulsory screening is seen as of paramount importance. A close relationship with clinical areas and occupational health is essential to provide a supportive but effective strategy. DE *Disease Transmission, Professional-to-Patient Human HIV Infections/*TRANSMISSION *Students, Nursing MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).